Putlocker9 Watch Stream Justice League
6,8 of 10 / story Justice League is a movie starring Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, and Jason Momoa. Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his new-found ally, Diana Prince, to face / cast Ezra Miller / 120 M / Directors Zack Snyder / Liked it 359485 vote
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Im ready, i think we all are. even the haters are waiting for it, to talk trash about it. release the cut lml.
I'm South African, and I cried like a baby during this movie, people don't realize how much there is in Africa and how much the rest of the world can learn from it. This is what this movie is striving to show.
I cant wait to see this.
Bane would never have gone along with a plan that harmed so many innocents. He's an outlaw, but he does have some redeeming qualities.
If they'd just swapped out opponents a bit, let someone else face Metallo while Supes took down the rest in one fell swoop, they would've won a lot quicker.
Why is Jordanand not Stewart the Green Lantern in this JL.
Wow... this is official.
Wow this was actually good movie.
Whole cinema laughed their asses off when this happened. Ahh I was hoping gal Gadot would sing. This is literally my only favorite scene from this movie. Actually any scene with aqua man was surprisingly more entertaining than the whole movie. I heard about you. Didn't think you were real. SnyderCut: I'm real when it's useful. Am I the only one who found that a bit bullshit when Cyborg {The Goddamn Mother Box} got stabbed in the back with a regular knife. I'm a DC fan and I hate this movie, I'm all for superhero films having fan service and Easter eggs but when that takes precedent over the story then I take issue. This movie doesn't have characters it has sock puppets with personalities written on them. Flash is the funny one, Cyborg is the moody one, Aquaman. actually I don't even know what he was meant to be. Aquaman is just sort of there. Batman in this movie is not Batman. They have him stand on some gargoyles every now and then to remind you he's supposed to be Batman but his actions and personality simply don't match. Batman V Superman was terrible but at least Batman felt like Batman even if he did stupid things he at least did them like Batman would, he also feels useless in every fight he's in which was foreseen in BvS where he just grapple hooked around Doomsday while Wonder Woman and Superman did everything, pretty much how it goes here. Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman are first properly introduced here and they are all terrible. Cyborg is slightly better because they at least try to give him some development even if it is paper thin and amounts to nothing. The Flash is just a series of awful jokes and they try to give him a subplot with his father that we don't care about cause it's literally two scenes that get resolved by the end. Aquaman is nothing that's the best way I can put it. He says a few dumb lines which I guess are meant to be funny and he hits things with his pitchfork, if you want anything deeper than that then sorry but no luck. At least I can safely say I'll be skipping his movie especially if the underwater effects are as bad as they are here. Wonder Woman is almost good but really if you didn't see her solo movie than you won't understand anything she talks about and you ultimately won't care. The villain isn't worth discussing, he has a pretty funny scene where him and the amazonians are fighting for the plot device and it looks like they're playing rugby or something, It was meant to be serious but it just made me laugh. He has no personality, the cgi for him looks terrible (as does the rest of the effects) and his goal is just "i wanna destroy the world cause reasons' I would be more angry but the film is so bad that this is the least of their worries. The writing is ridiculously bad with exposition being used whenever they can't be bothered to tell the story in a smart way. Wonder Woman literally tells us the villains entire backstory in a scene that is purely dedicated to exposition and a cheeky green lantern Easter egg that is meaningless because this universe is dead. There is only 1 line of dialogue I actually liked where Batman convinces Flash to save someone, that was the only time anyone in this movie felt heroic. Also the movie is just ugly to look at, the entire final sequence is red I'm not kidding if you look at the trailer you'll see it the whole scene is just red not to mention the final fight is so forgettable it was over before I knew it. It would of just passed as the prologue fight you see in other superhero films. Overall this movie is awful in every aspect of where a film should be good, people are defending it cause they enjoy seeing certain characters hit each other which to me shows how little audiences care about actual filmmaking. I give it a 2 just because I didn't walk out and it was mercifully shorter than these films normally are. If you liked this movie I'm happy for you but It also makes me sad to know you'll accept a movie this flawed.
Sooooo, are we going to reshoot everything with Henry Cavill's crappy CGI upper lip? Pleeeeeeeease! Let me say this again PLEEEEEEASE.
Chills, literal chills.
Oof. You're gorgeous. and fierce, and strong, and mmm 🤣🤣
But, why have Batman fight the guy who broke his back and Superman against the dude with the kryptonite core in the first place. My fav parts When they win 2 when she said what are those! 3 riding with the seat and the wheel when it exploded. My hot take on this is that this can be a new thing companies to start releasing alt versions of films as a regular practice. oh wait. hey maybe we will get redos of the last 2 starwars movies. lol. The sword he stabbed cyborg with would have conducted that electricity into what's his face's body. The man should be incapacitated rn for sure. All Batman money and technology and he cant put a ramp on his crawler? You think with all the weight he has on him that having to jump from 5 feet to get out would be hard on his old joints.
It's on Netflix so I don't have to worry about it.
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